Equimax Oral Paste Horse Wormer
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Equimax Oral Paste Horse Wormer
A combination ot two ingredients to give the broadest spectrum of activity.
Active ingredients: Ivermectin and Praziquantal.
To ensure that you read the most up to date product information link to http://www.vmd.defra.gov.uk/ProductInformationDatabase/Search.aspx
Link to Veterinary Medicines Suspected Adverse Reaction Scheme.
Use of a scale or weigh tape is recommended to ensure accurate dosing.
A white homogenous, oral gel containing:
1.87% w/w ivermectin Ph.Eur.
14.03% w/w praziquantel Ph.Eur.
Dosage and administration
Equimax Oral Paste for Horses is given by mouth at the recommended dose rate of 200 micrograms of ivermectin and 1.5mg of praziquantel per kg of bodyweight as a single dose, corresponding to 1.07g of paste per 100kg bodyweight. The first syringe division delivers sufficient paste to treat 100kg of bodyweight. Each subsequent syringe division delivers sufficient paste to treat 50kg of bodyweight. The syringe delivers sufficient paste to treat 700kg bodyweight at the recommended dose rate.
To ensure administration of a correct dose, body weight should be determined as accurately as possible; accuracy of the dosing device should be checked as underdosing might lead to an increased risk of development of resistance to anthelmintic drugs.
Before administration adjust the syringe to the calculated dosage by setting the ring on the plunger.
Up to 100kg 1.070g paste
The animal’s mouth must be free of food. The syringe should be placed between the front and back teeth and the paste deposited at the base of the tongue. Immediately elevate the head for a few seconds to ensure that the product is swallowed.
The veterinary surgeon should give advice regarding appropriate dosing programmes and stock management to achieve adequate parasite control for both tapeworm and roundworm infestations.
For animal treatment only.
The product can be used safely in mares during the whole pregnancy period and lactation period.
Not to be used in foals under two weeks of age.
Horses carrying heavy infection of Onchocerca microfilariae have experienced such reactions as swelling and itching after treatment. It is assumed that these reactions are the result of the destruction of large numbers of microfilariae.
In case of very high levels of infestation, destruction of the parasites may cause a mild transient colic and loose faeces in the treated horse. Colic, diarrhea and anorexia have been reported in vary rare occasions post treatment, in particular when there is heavy worm burden. In very rare occasions, allergic reactions such as hypersalivation, lingual oedema and urticaria, tachycardia, congested mucus membranes, and subcutaneous oedema have been reported following treatment with the product. A veterinarian should be consulted if these signs persist
Avermectins may not be well tolerated in all non target species. Cases of intolerance are reported in dogs, especially Collies, Old English Sheepdogs and related breeds or crosses, and also in turtles and tortoises.
Dogs and cats should not be allowed to ingest spilled paste or access to used syringes due to the potential for adverse effects related to ivermectin toxicity.
Parasite resistance to a particular class of anthelmintic may develop following frequent, repeated use of an anthelmintic of that class.
As ivermectin is extremely dangerous to fish and aquatic life, treated animals should not have direct access to surface water and ditches during treatment.
Wash hands after use (to be sure that eye contamination can not occur). Avoid contact with the eyes. In the case of accidental contact, rinse with abundant quantities of water. In case of eye irritation, seek medical attention.
Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling this product. In the event of accidental ingestion, seek medical advice and show the doctor the leaflet so that he knows what you have taken.
Withdrawal period
In Horses: Meat and Offal: 35 days
Not permitted for use in horses producing milk for human consumption
Container disposal
Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements. Ivermectin is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TO FISH AND AQUATIC LIFE. Do not contaminate surface water or ditches with the product or used containers.
No known interaction with other equine medicaments.
Studies in other species showed no teratogenic or embryotoxic effect from either ivermectin or praziquantel at the recommended doses during therapy.
A tolerance study performed in foals from 2 weeks of age with doses up to 5 times the recommended dosage showed no adverse reactions.
Safety studies conducted with Equimax administered to mares at 3 times the recommended dosage at 14 day intervals during the whole gestation and lactation did not show any abortions, any adverse effects on the gestation, parturition and on the mares general health, nor any abnormalities on the foals.
Safety studies conducted with Equimax administered to stallions at 3 times the recommended dosage did not show any adverse effects in particular on the reproductive performances.
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