Happy Tummy Feed Supplement
Happy Tummy Feed Supplement for equines, dogs, cats and other mammals, poultry and all other animals, helps maintain good digestive health and avoid a wide range of infections. NOTE: Our Happy Tummy product is the same for all animals, so the canine/feline labelled tub contains the same product as the equine labelled tub.
All equines benefit from the addition of small, regular doses of Happy Tummy® natural charcoal to their diet. This is because Happy Tummy® charcoal adsorbs toxins and passes them out of the horse’s system – naturally. Happy Tummy is suitable to feed daily as it is a natural active charcoal. [Whereas, activated charcoal is a super-adsorbent made thus by the industrial processes it goes through, and should not be used as a regular feed material.]
By removing the cause of gastric problems in horses, ponies and all equines, Happy Tummy® charcoal helps return a horse’s system to full good health within days. Fast acting, inexpensive and with no side effects Happy Tummy® charcoal is the best gastric conditioner in the world. The action of this unique feed supplement is entirely natural, inexpensive and very effective.
Horses can race and compete whilst using Happy Tummy® and finish on better with less tying up. BHA and FEI compliant.
Recommended daily amount – in every case the amount is divided / split into two feeds:
Horses/Ponies 16HH+ 8-10 scoops; 14-15HH 6 – 8 scoops; 12-13HH 4-6 scoops;
11HH and under 2-4 scoops; MINATURES 1-2 scoops.
With equines the recommended amount can be reduced by half, once the condition/problem
has significantly improved and this reduced amount used as an aid to full recovery.
For maintenance and prevention, about a 1/3 of the recommended amount should be given.
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