Loose Ring French Bradoon Bit
Loose Ring French Bradoon Bit bradoons are generally used in conjunction with a curb bit, and when used together the bradoon should be 1/4" to 1/2" longer than the curb for them to both lie comfortably in the mouth. A bradoon can be used on its own, specifically for ponies as the rings are smaller than those of a normal sized snaffle rings. When used on its own it has the effect of a snaffle bit. The loose ring has much more movement and play than a fixed ring or cheek. It discourages fixing, blocking, and leaning on the bit. It also helps to encourage mouthing. The loose ring allows more movement so that it follows the angle of the tongue, this is vital because as the horse's overall outline changes it allows the bit to follow. The double jointed french link mouth piece eliminates the nutcracker action, and disperses the pressure over the two joints rather than the one in the single jointed snaffle.
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